Donating is the best way to show gratitude and give back to life everything it has given us



Transforms the lives of children and teenagers participating in our programs. With your contribution, we will keep «Multiplicando Sonrisas».

Donate sports equipment in good condition that will contribute to the development of young bike riders in the country.

Get clothing and accessories to contribute to our cause to favor children and youth in Colombia.

Join our family and become one of our partners to build social responsible projects. Send us an email to and we will get in touch with you.

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Multiplying smiles with your help year after year


41K Millions of USD collected

28 Boys and girls operated

582 People from around the world donated


60K Millions of USD collected

32 Boys and girls operated

2.285 People from around the world donated

We will make the world a place full of reasons to smile with your help

“I’ve always been grateful with my life and the opportunities it has given me. A few years ago I had a strong accident in a competition and I was able to recover against all odds. Now I want to give back to life some of the joy I’ve received”

Esteban Chaves