Einer Rubio and FUN: together we built history

por | Abr 21, 2020 | News

Born in a family of farmers, the Boyacense cyclist tilled in the field the dedication and tenacity that served to build his road to the high sports level. In 2016 he joined our newly created FUN Team and left a footprint that is remembered a followed today.
The fourth of five brothers, Einer Rubio lived his childhood in Chíquiza, Boyacá. Libardo Rubio and María Reyes’s boys used to walk to school most of the time or rode their bikes, when they couldn’t catch a bus. After studying, he visited the fields and either cultivated or collect their potatoes, fed the cuddle or looked for eggs in the chicken coop. «As a child, I liked riding horses, imagining that I was a truck driver and I also used to dream with bikes», said Einer, who today is 22 years old and lives in Italy in the province of Benevento.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he keeps his daily inside bike-roll routine, core exercises, good nutrition and proper rest. «In Italy the quarantine is quite rigid. The levels of spread have now begun to decline, but the policies established by the Government are still in place. I try to keep my-self busy at home and keep calm and with good attitude during this situation.

When he was 15 years old, Rubio Reyes’s family moved to Bogotá looking for more opportunities, a decision that would be decisive for his future. A year later, he graduates from high school at the Instituto Distrital Nueva Colombia. To help her parents, he started working in construction. Similarly, to the farm work, his new position as a work assistant required high physical effort. This tough condition, made Einer built a humble heart, a great temperament and a high sense of responsibility.

With the income he received for lifting bricks and preparing concrete, he bought his first road bike. «It was my great treasure», he recalled.


Next to Wilson Rincón on his way through FUN Team.

His competitive career began at the Monserrate Club. He signed up filled of enthusiasm and competed in an outstanding way, but most important he rode with infinite towards the finish line. In 2016, Einer Rubio was one of the cyclists who joined the first squad of the Esteban Chaves Foundation (Benros-FUN). «With him and other adolescents, we inaugurated a sports project that is now a brand. We are very proud of him because he is part of our story», said Jairo Chaves, Esteban’s father and FUN director. For Einer, being on the FUN Team was very rewarding. “Personally, I learned to believe in my dreams and in sports, cycling itself teaches you how tough it is», he said.
Wilson Sandoval, FUN Team sport director, detected in this young man a special talent and a perfect personality to grow. «The season I experienced, I remembered with great affection. He was very happy with the opportunity to belong and to run in an organized and competitive team. I received good advices from Wilson, Jairo and Esteban, and much appreciation from all the people of the team».

The Key

His great performance catapulted it to the highest category. 📷: @giroditaliau23
During his time in FUN, he realized that the sport he had chosen was not easy and that he had to work hard and focused. «To the boys of FUN Team and to the young cyclists in the country, I would like to tell them that to achieve the objectives, sacrifice, discipline and responsibility are required. Be constant and show that you can improve every day», said Einer.

«In the years we shared together, we knew that Einer had the capabilities to become part of UCI World Tour, just as Santiago Buitrago. Einer was an example of constancy and passion to work. We contribute with a small part of the process, we guide them and give them a little push but at the end, they are the ones that with their love, strength and support of their family, manage to find the way», said Esteban Chaves.

During his career in the FUN Team he stood out for his abilities as a climber, won the Vuelta a Risaralda and made several podiums, including the Clásica de Soacha and the Clásica Esteban Chaves. His transition process to the elite was fast, due to his willingness and his DNA. Then he jumped to Europe, to the Aran Cucine Vejus under-23 Team from Italy and headed at the top of the amateur category. There he participated in the Giro d’Aosta U-23 and the Giro d’Aosta, the two most prestigious competitions in that country. The high performance during those competitions and joining the Colombian National Cycling Team opened for Einer the opportunity to sign with the Movistar Team, category UCI World Tour.

Einer believes that being part of a World Tour team is an opportunity to demonstrate his skills and learn from other cultures. Additionally, he wants to be a good example for those who come behind him down the road. For him, «life is like a career. It will be difficult, it’ will have obstacles, but after all, the rewards will always come».